Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Skippy Says: Gifted (OOTD)

I have a very special gift, a talent of epic proportions. I can take any situation, big or small, and find a way to stress out about it. It doesn't matter how fun the situation actually is, I WILL find a way to worry. Family coming over for dinner? I'm scared they won't like what I cooked. A barbecue with friends? I'm stressed about the dynamics of how different friend groups will get along. Guests visiting from out of town? I'm terrified I won't show them a good enough time. Catch my drift? I truly feel sorry for my unborn children. Good lord, I'm going to be one annoying nag of a mom. Hopefully I can distract them and deflect with my green jeans and bright tops. If they take after me, they'll be easily distracted by bright and shiny things.

- Forever 21 blouse (no longer available)
- Banana Republic petites blazer (thrifted from Crossroads Trading Co for $15! Buy similar here)
- H&M belt
- Clark Indigo shoes (gift from my mom, buy on sale here)
- Turtle necklace gift from my sister-in-law
- Earrings gift from my best friend from a trip she took to Italy when we were in high school (can't believe I still have them!)

1 comment:

  1. hey great outfit. like ur style. following u (:
    follow me on ma blog http://memypendown.blogspot.in/
    much love.x


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